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Letter from the Creator

Dear Educator,


Introduction:  Chatter Buddies is based on one simple but critically important principle: Reading begins with the spoken word, not the written word. First, we HEAR a language; then we SPEAK a language; then, and only then, can we READ and WRITE that language.

First Things First:  Human beings are wired for sound, but reading and writing are neurological accessories that must be painstakingly bolted on. That means that before a child can connect letters and letter combinations on a printed page, a child must first have sound awareness and sound flexibility in his or her oral language. 

Speech-Language Pathology 101:  We can predict if a child in kindergarten will be in the bottom 10% of readers in the second grade by looking at their phonological awareness skills. If these children are not reading on grade level in the first grade, they only have a 1 in 8 chance of catching up by the fourth grade.  Sadly, about 70,000 kindergarteners in the state of Ohio fail their language and literacy diagnostic - every year!

Impact Tier II Instruction:  When you use Chatter Buddies, we predict that -(in only four weeks)- at least 20 % of your kindergartners who failed their language & literacy diagnostic will be on track for reading. 

Give Them An SLP:  Ideally, America’s schools should preemptively expose as many children as possible to the necessary listening and speaking skills that are crucial for reading readiness. All we need to do is the impossible - assign a communication development expert to every child who enters our schools not ready to receive formal reading instruction…     And that’s exactly what Chatter Buddies is - a turn key Speech-Language program that makes anyone in the classroom an honorary SLP!

No Complex Teacher Training: Any level of credentialed staff can effectively administer the program. No lesson plans. No complex teacher training. No complex navigation. Want to help us prove it works?  

Please Look Around Our Site:  If you need a program that your pre-readers can use right now, choose Chatter Buddies for your virtual or in-person classroom. Tell your colleagues and principles about your results.


Hear. Speak. Read. Doesn’t that just make sense?


Yours in education,


Karen Carver



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